Sunday, March 1, 2009

Rain, Sentry Duty and Jazz Homework.

Recently started to take Jazz lessons on inspiration from Nick. Its been a while since I've actually had formal music lessons. So I put out a post on Soft, looking for a teacher. Got this portfolio of a dude that studied at Berkley, in Singapore. I thought hey, I'll just try the guy out.

Turns out, he's a good chap, goes by Shaari, charges well.

Not the point.

On my first day of lessons, I got like.. a ton of homework, a ton of revision, and new-old concepts.. Maybe might apply for NUS Jazz, seeing that Nick's out and running everywhere (: plus I need people to blend in and grow with.. Might be a good idea.. If not, soft!

I wish I had photos of my homework, but I don't have eligible ones. It looks disgusting.


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