Monday, December 28, 2009

Ow but Yeah

Today I got my wart semi-removed...AND it's hurting..but it's alot better then in the first 2 hours from when I got it treated hahaha. Well at least it's visibly smaller(and uglier).

Apart from that, Singapore has been AWESOME for the duration I've been here for and I'm so glad to be back hahaha well been great fun and pain in typing this little message cos my finger is killing me so Farewell.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

an an-ngoi-ing birthday indeed!

It was nice to have practically the entire family (sans one poor JK) together for dinner again - of course we had a few "extras" - sorry you got cut out of the photo max! Don't worry - i'll upload you on facebook!

Check out some of the videos as well:

and the time finally came - bye vene! take care - we'll miss you lots!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

cousins boyband + extra

you gotta see it to believe it!

Lincoln Yeo, totally into the song.

And another weird pano! 2nd last rehearsal!

We've started already, and I must say its been awesome. the weather was predicted stormy over the weekend, but so far, we've had clear skies before and throughout the play!

We have PureVolume!

A little note from Josh's band.

Anyway, we have PureVolume! Check it out!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Random photos

A visitor in our garage, but we had to put it outside to prevent it getting squashed, its a blue tongued skink!

As a kid I always wondered what gold really looked like, so this is actually how it looks like.

To those wondering how big it is, heres the size comparison!

Pretty cool eh?

Alden was here

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

play play play

I apologise, I'm in a panorama phrase - try it man! I love the new Windows Live Photo Gallery.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Xiong's Sinister Twin

Xiong's probably been getting quite a bit of stick since Twilight: New Moon came to the cinemas of our sunny shores. This uncanny resemblance + sinister features = Xiong's Evil Twin. Hello Stardom.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

remind us dear Lord.

Pastor Daph preached an impactful message today.

A solemn reminder to check ourselves - are we grateful, or just thankful? Which of the 10 lepers are we? Do we desire and love the healer, or just the healing?

Friday, November 20, 2009

i love studying

I think after this week, I should be a friend of the library. Maybe get a VIP pass - table with electrical socket, cup holder, massage chair...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Iceland & the Geysir named Strokkur

Ahhh, a missing segment from the Iceland Collection. Heat builds up from the molten layer underneath as water seeps into its underground reservoir, and as the water boils up, an explosive reaction every 12-20 minutes or so (randomly)!

Photos courtesy of photography patience and Mr. Canon 450D, who now will nejoy the privilege to accompany Vene for her European Travels! In the meantime, Enjoy!

Kablooie!! (as affectionately coined by Calvin&Hobbes)

Long Distance View


Friday, November 13, 2009

What happens when you have Hay Fever?

Well simply put, I have Hay Fever. Yes it feels awful before anyone asks, its like a blocked nose, that never goes away no matter how much you blow into tissue papers and what not.
So what do you do when you have it? You walk down to the beach and take a pretty picture, or a few pretty pictures:

Pretty isn't it?

And then you remember moments such as this:

When your brother tries to be your mum for just a brief moment in time...

...And then panicks as your mum realises he was in the shot
So thats about all there is for now, I guess we have a lot of catching up to do in Singapore. But thats for later.
Anyways examinations are over so yay! I don't have to do anything anymore! Woo!

Alden was here.


As promised!

Yummy nights at the Lims residence, though with a keenly felt absence of josh and pork. had 2 bowls that night - and gosh am i missing them now.

Beef noodles are like... listening to your favourite band. for a while you keep listening and listening until you get sick of it and move to something else. but you ALWAYS come back for more.

soooo hungry...

(oops.. caught in a moment of enjoyment)


(the chef's new assistant)

(one satisfied customer)

(so, what makes you different from the rest of the miss singapore contestants?)
(i cook a mean beef noodles, can you do that? *winks at judges*)

cue in "oooOoO" from the crowd...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I wonder how it must feel like....

Today, my exams are offically over!

And then as I walked out the examination room, I got attacked by a savage, brutal, merciless and totally annoying swarm of flies.

Well being big does have its disadvantages, especially if your opponents are quick, tiny and extremely determined. But nevertheless I got some of them!

Hows that for a nice "Fantastic your examinations are over" party?

Alden was here

Monday, November 9, 2009

Blogger needs to work more consistently.

I can't believe that I've got only 5 months more to ORD.
I can't believe that so many of my great friends are turning 21.
I can't believe that I'm going to go back to study soon.
I can't believe we're all growing so fast that Alden is coming back for NS next year.
I can't believe that one of my great friends, seniors in the station has had to leave due to ORD.
I can't believe that I've finally got a chance to record in a proper studio.
I can't believe that I'm turning 20.



We have been honoured by the presence of one of our missed cousins from down under:
(is the meaning of life hidden in nutritional information?)

Vene is back on holiday! I wonder if the rest will be back too eh?
Anyhow, aside from the cruise (too many pictures, see facebook pls!), we have been out and about, with loads of dinners - this is from a dinner on Tuesday night! It was a bit weird cause I was the only Koh in the sea of Lims and Hos. Oh well, guess Ho and Koh rhyme anyway. Oh yes, there was a Tan too...

(this here Tan is a hard one to catch!)

(Cheryl, an unintentional candid victim)

Well, I learnt something important that night - that in a quick survey of 5 drinks, Kickapoo reigned as the champion of total carbohydrates i.e. sugar. Josh was going on and on about how much healthier wintermelon was, but i says so sucks to the wintermelon... it reminds me of cookhouse food!

(oops! not putting your money where your mouth is eh Josh?)

In other news, we had beef noodles! Photos to come shortly ;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Examinations, still don't see the use in them.

Honestly, I wonder why we need examinations but yeah, lets just go with the flow of things I guess. So my exams start tomorrow, and end next week Tuesday. How awesome is that?

Anyways, like Asher, lifes been good. Not much to blog about cept the numerous amount of flies on the fly screen which would appear here:
Mighty lot of flies.
Alden was here.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Asher's returning post

Oh Noes! I have just found out that my Daddy is going for a business trip this friday for 4 weeks...*thank God he got a job ^.^* He took up a part time job of a driver and he is liking it so yay! Oh..please keep him in prayers as he will be driving to and around the mines and it can be very hazardous there so please pray for safety. Oh...and Asher has to work on Saturday and/or Sundays for the next 4 that means I cant go to church as no one can fetch us there PLUS mum needs all the help she can get...after all, summer means more customers =D

Meanwhile...*oh my gosh this feels like a story*

Asher and Alden are having Exams *Yay?* and hopefully I can put the right things into my notes this time...Was late last friday *Blessing in Diguise I suppose* and as I waited at the bus interchange..this elderly guy asked me whether he could tell me a story. It was quite an interesting story but I only got to hear part of it as the bus was very noisy.

All I remember was: *Dot Pointed*
1) A rainbow appeared in his room one day
2) He heard a voice and that voice asked to talk to him about anything...He said talk about the Universe and him and that voice did so.
3)Got on the bus so tried to hear what he said. No Avail
4)Bus got quieter, he talked about how he met a guy who didn't believe in Christ.
5)Guy mocked him and said that if he met the elderly guy if he met him anywhere from point A to point B, he would accept Christ
6)Went home prayed bout it, next day came, got on the bus and the next bus stop the elderly guy met the guy who didn't believe in Christ
7) Thats all he managed to say before I had to leave.

Quite interesting these Australians... Oh..and I'm now playing Basketball with my friends everyday..only 30 mins though but hey, its still a start.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Well here it is, the giant hall thing-a-ma-jig where I had the graduation, with my new DSLR camera:

Well all is said and done, thats all, for now. Oh and the exams that are coming soon.

Alden was here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Finally, some pictures!

This is supper@Tampines Astons after XYQ. Pastor Susan Quek came over, and she really poured out her heart to us - and God likewise poured His.
But it was a cool meal - nice to be out with the youth group on a Saturday night!

(Lyanna, happy to be back - gives the FACE)

(model pic no.1 - FAIL)


(i like this pic - CARNAGE)

I had major food overload this weekend (OK, maybe just Sunday), and this night was no exception. It started with just a grilled fish. Then Aaron bought indian rojak, and Leb bought fries.

(Jon showing his disdain for cameras that do not match the power of his DSLR - fine, i get it already!)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why I love Singapore

Remembered this being told to me years back, but it has resurfaced. For those not kept in the loop...

Might be an old funny fact about Singapore, but one of our citizen's name is:

'Batman bin Suparman'.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Vene's Birthday

Happy 22nd Birthday Venetia!

From Everyone

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today I saw something amazing.

I saw a person with arthritis run up and down the stairs of the church building, with no complaints about the pain any longer.

I saw a person who couldn't raise their arms above their shoulders and being unable to bend her knees, jump up and down and rasing her arms and hands and swinging them around and around, like as if it never happened.

Today, I saw God's glory poured out for all of us.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

So I think to myself, what a creepy dream.

I'm chalk out of ideas to write here at the moment, so lets talk about dreams.
I just had the creepiest dream last night, it was so creepy, I woke up.

It was kind of stupid, I had "powers" to graviate stuff towards me and away from me. So ok, its like this, I was in this random house, and for some odd reason, it had big windows and a window paned roof, so it was see through. And so I decide to play with these new found "powers" (in my dream of course) and oh what do I see, an owl. Yes a very chubby, pretty much harmless owl. So I gravitate the animal to the window, it hits it, the owl gets startled. The 2nd time, it locates me and suddenly, its eyes turn red, kinda creepy, I don't know what the dream was made of but yeah. It starts clawing at the windows and gives like a death glare thingy. Then I notice the window is open but the owl doesn't fly in, it just flies there, clawing at nothing and glaring at me, with its creepy eyes, then I wake up wondering what on earth was that about. Creepy huh?

But there was a little revelation in that, which I had no idea how I got. God works strangely and defintely knows better than anyone and He probably gave me the revelation. Pretty much, the building I was in was like God's protection, even if I imagined there was a flaw or it was incomplete (the open window) nothing would be able to come in unless God lets it in, regardless of anything. God's power; undoubtedly stronger than all else.

If you ever feel like giving up your Faith in God for another, or perhaps trying to reach out to someone who is of another religion, remember this;
John 14:6 - Jesus Christ answered, "I am THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life, NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me." Other religions claim to be A way, A truth and A life, but He is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life.

Some people who read this blog may be struggling with the idea of salvation, but let me tell you (whoever you might be), its not that hard. Its just simply, accepting the fact that Jesus died on the cross and by doing so paid for you sins for ALL eternity. Doesn't matter how badly you've screwed up, God has already forgiven you. Now all you need to do is accept Him into your life as your Lord and Saviour. Yes, to receive salvation is that easy, its like a gift, all you need to do is to receive it, willingly.

Well since I have nothing more to blog about, lets go over the basics.
1) We're all good, we're all doing well. Everyones pretty happy.
2) TISC (University application website) apparently hates me, doesn't want to load, so I have to apply through other various means. [I don't like telephone calls to people who wear fake smiles and talk in fake posh voices, seriously]
3) I just farted, like this is totally random but heck, I'm bored, its the holidays.

Alden was here - And he's about to have a good holiday.
P.S - LOL @ "Zombie Apocalypse" idea

"So, it was like the end of the world/zombie apocalypse..."

Well, what would your first thoughts have been?

First thought upon waking up; "hmm... it looks something like the end of the world..."

Second thought; "fires?"

Third thought; "zombie apocalyp- wait, no don't be stupid..."

Fourth thought; "....I could play a zombie apocalypse prank on the neighbours....."

Anyway, the last thought was an entertaining one, but I decided against it. Such a prank needs some half-decent makeup and planning, and preferably more than one 'zombie' (it definitely needs a horde). Also, old neighbours are liable to die of heart attack or something. Still, I don't think I'll ever get that chance again. =(


Oh yeah; this was the result of a dust storm we had in Sydney on Wednesday morning, if you guys hadn't already heard about it (though I'm sure you probably did). Anyway, the photos I had, dint really get the colours as well as I would have liked. It was really a lot more ORANGE. Fantastic morning really. Also attached is an example zombie apocalypse picture someone took.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

good job nike.

Today is Wednesday. A weekday. People are supposed to be in school or at work.

But not everyone.

For when the great Nike releases 500 places for the Human Race, who could afford to miss it? Ah, paperwork and good grades can wait, for who would miss the opportunity to spend, yes spend $20 to run a 10K race!

Sarcasm to mask my disappointment. i was at Wisma today, bright and early - 11am! Expecting the queue to maybe start during or after lunch when people have their lunch breaks and school ends, i thought it wouldn't much of a problem getting registered. I was so wrong.

Had a lift from mum and dad who dropped wes in town, and i walked from the back of wisma. seeing a queue, i thought "maybe this is where it starts" and i go to ask the guy at the end. And he tells me to get a queue number from the front first. So i begin to walk around the side and voila! the queue sure looked a lot longer out front than at the back. amused, i just had to take a photo - observe my dear anngoiings, the power of marketing.

I wasn't going to wait, so thankfully my parents were still around and i hitched a ride back again haha!

But good job Nike.

In other news, met up with Ben before he flies back to London!

Meeting with these guys, it's like we're still in army haha. Sure, the hair's slightly longer, and there's no book-in-blues, but somehow, everyone still looks and feels the same. As usual, Eug bore the brunt of the jokes.

Sakae plate count = 50+++

And finally - Josh is at it again!
For more cousinly love, go facebook pls!