Tuesday, March 31, 2009

photo madness.

Ah, yet another week.
We celebrated the birthdays of two of our birthday girls recently, on a Friday night @ Laguna - seems that the recession is rubbing off quite badly on them. Mr yeo was kind enough to organise and PAY:
(ernie can't wait to get her hands on the cake)

(alas, josh was working)

Then, rehearsals for Paid in Full - just one and a half weeks away!
(transported back to a time when there was no colour)

(perfect shot! oh wait, who's the extra!)

(ah, not bad... but... perhaps less aggression?)

(aw come on guys, too little!)

Good stuff.

So that's all from me for now. Ah, daylight savings... we might need that if the weather here continues to be the way it is now!

(waiting in anticipation for the sensory assault as two feelers grow out of my head)

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