Sunday, May 31, 2009

FA Cup Final

Everton lost the FA cup final to Chelsea. Okay, okay, moving past the idea that Frank Lampard isn't human, and that his legs are like nuclear weapons, watching the FA cup final made me laugh.

I know its mean, but I couldnt not find it funny to watch the pasty white British crowd slowly burn in the 41 degree heat. 

The lesson? Having skin pigmentation rocks, and I thank you Lord for our skin pigmentation. No burns here baby.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

back to humidity!

so i'm back! tons of photos to upload, loads of stories to tell (though half have been forgotten - maybe we should move to livejournal, i think that isn't blocked in China).

i must say beijing has been an eye-opener! seriously - the amount of work they've done for the olympics really shows. i would say the place is quite developed - definitely exceeded my expectations. though the same can't be said in the more rural areas ;)

but yes. lots of good lessons, good friends, good weather, too much food, a little bit of drink, and scorpion. yum.

thanks to all who have been praying, really thank God that we didn't get quarantined, else i'd have to miss family camp and maybe pastor daph would have to play drums. LOL.

i missed my drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum drum

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oooooo.... Exams and more galore.

EXAMS!!! I'm having exams but squishied in some time to blog..=) Busy, busy, busy and quite rare that I am...but I will push on and TRY not to SLACK OFF

Evidence*: My notes for my Specialist Maths Exam Tomoroz
*Told you I tried
**Yes yes yes Cor Yang...Illegible I know, at least I know I won't get the spelling wrong =D
Illegible to you as it is, it will help me Tomoroz in my Exams
Enough bout ma exams,
Now Onto: Life in Perth Currently
Well whats there to blog bout...hehehe, my room's borrowed out to my dad's fren but I shall get it back soon, picked up teh guitarz and started to learn from ma Pa-Pa***, but alas, I will return to Singapore and learn moar drummin'. Got a new wallet and i luv teh phone...and sad to say, I've watched Blackadder too much that it's gotten in ma head nao....Turnips...Oh and cor teh new guitar shiny?
***I'ma decided to practice my drumming still but not learn drums just yet, cos if I cant hold and use the drumstick properly, how to drum?
Well I'ma be off nao..Cyaz

Lil Burnt Rooster

New York City (with write-up)

Helen aside, lets talk about the USA.

The land of the free, home of the brave, the kingdom of indulgence, where $3 Haagen Dasz and B&Js lurk at every supermart, where milk is sold by the gallon, and starbucks can be conveniently located on every other street. Welcome to New York City.

Times Square, M&Ms World (3 levels), Broadway, Statute of Liberty, Nathan's Hot Dogs, Grand Central Station, ok i give up. Too many things to do in NYC. For more information please visit heck the write-up. Next up - Wisconsin.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

meet helen.

dear jezebel and bathsheba, meet helen of troy. no ps3 or pc for me. josh, u understand what i mean. =)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Examination Destress

Thank God for humour, take a look, if you don't laugh, thats sad really.

The Best one of them all is this one, this goes forth to Asher and Karrington and all the fat people out there:
Flame me.
Alden was here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dense Compression

To compress time,

The last few months have been SUCH a blur. Honestly, its been one event after another so much so that I haven't exactly had time to get it all down on paper (or in this case, on the web). So I'm going to highlight the main points of whats been going on.

Ca-ryn and Ern's Wedding

Not Ernie Chang, but Ernie Voon my new cousin-in-law. Haven't been to a wedding where I've known the bride and groom personally for a while now. I think the last one was Wes and Eleanor's. Anyway, got invited to sing with Ernie and Edmund at the wedding. Super apprehensive about playing piano and singing alone. But hey, the picture up there kinda makes me look in control.

It was a really beautiful wedding. Really. And the best shot of Ernie (LIM) that I've seen in a long time. I think one of the best things was having Vene around. Miss ya sis! Wish you could've been there for Zouk!

Stellar Memory @ Zouk & Heeren

I think these were probably the most public venues we've EVER played at. The other guys have been at Timbre before, but not me. One thing I've really come to love is really the estatic feeling I get being with these guys. There's something about Ernie's lameness which is a budding form of creativity, Edmund's spontaneouity (if there's such a word). There's a mutual respect since we've grown as a band, and I believe this will help us churn out better stuff. Finally released the first song I feel has spot on lyrics. Or maybe its just the chorus (: ha. Once again, Ernie writes the best hooks, but interesting pre-chorus'.

There was so much energy, that all the hooks came out more pronounced than usual. Props go to TANYA LAI for the videos, JEREMY for the photos, NICK for introducing us to AMANDA, who gave us the opportunity to be at the two venues. Also to BRICE, a bassist whose musical opinion I've come to respect and admire. OH, and Nike for the free shoes and pink dry-fit tee.

What else?

Other than recording, been actively writing a few of my own songs. So I'll give you guys the heads-up when they come to fruition, but I'm aiming high here, asking a few great musicians I respect to lay the tracks down with me and hopefully it becomes their song too. Bought an Xbox360 too but thats separate for when I seriously need to de-stress. Resident Evil 5 ftw.

What can't I wait for?

Family camp. My gosh, haven't been out of the country for so long. Since enlistment. I've got like..... 10 months to go. April 2010. Also, family camp means that Yang's coming back and with him, my chance to really rigourously test a PRS. But also means I have to relish control over the beautiful acoustic that has been on loan to me.
I think I also can't wait for Stellar Memory to finally go recording. Yeah, OH. Also want to thank Gerald from Lunar Node for doing the mix for us during Zouk. Nick said it was a stark contrast in volume to all the bands that were performing, and I think that gave us the biggest edge. Our recording is being done by him too. So, yeah. Whoo!

Till the next post


Friday, May 15, 2009

Since its absolute silence

Lets change that.

Planetshakers Deeper

Get it Now!

However since blogger isn't intelligent in any form or manner, it failed to upload what I wanted it to upload so...
Linked it.

Alden was here.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

blessed day!

(totally unrelated photo)

Vesak Day and Mother's Day - awesome.
I love clan dinners - it's just nice to have the whole family together, and all the cousins... although we're just a little short!
(ah it runs in the genes - monkey see...)

I think i really felt quite blessed today somehow. Ben asked me to sub drums for hokkien and mandarin and at first i was honestly quite hesitant, but found myself in the mph at 2 and 4.30pm, behind the set (love the snare).
It was meant to bless the mothers, but i think i left away feeling blessed too - pastor was there, and it was quite cool seeing them worship.

I feel Calvary is quite an interesting place. You kinda get to see different facets of ministry, if you will just look a little closer. I mean, you can find bits of Cebu in mighty kids, you see small settings in hokkien and mandarin services, and you have the larger congregation for 7.45 and 11am.

And now - other interesting pictures for the week:

(XYQ's new welcome team. plus ghost in the back.)

(the little device, whose draw is so powerful...)

(... that it has enticed my parents!)

I kid you not. Maybe mum was just joking, but we were joking around about what to buy her for mother's day and she said a Wii. HA! then i told her there was Wii Fit...

More photos:

(save our planet - what happens to lecture notes after exams)

(the great shift-out: no more hostel for me!)

(2 cars... can you believe it)

(sean's new pencil case - apparently the school is rather uptight about cheating)

(study hard boys!)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Why Evolution is Wrong II

When hair growth starts to impair one's vision but one still thinks its cool.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

clearing some backlog

Can you smell it?

The fresh air of freedom.

I got out of the exam hall today, and i was like - "what do i have to study next? - oh wait, i don't have to study anymore!"

I was having like post-exam "blues" - walking to the bus stop to meet friends at vivo for lunch, i was thinking, do i need to read notes? catch up with anything?

and for the first time in months, the answer is a resounding no.

it felt weird. but it was good weird.
anyway - let me begin the first of posts to push the disgusting stuff down lol. This was about a month ago, BEEF NOODLES! with special guest:

(no, not him)

(cute, but not her either!)

(if i could compare the size of his bowl with everyone else's, my my...)

(ah, there we are!)

Ms Vene came back for her cousin's wedding (no, not yang, not ernie - at least not ernie chang) - a pleasant surprise! and she was not the only surprise either:
(uncle joe, a stand-up comedian?)

Monday, May 4, 2009


Seeing the ants surrounding the torn-off rats head reminds of a nice little adventure 3 years ago after ORD-ing from army. Went to Bangkok and my friend went to buy some nice insects. For eating. So out from his bag, appeared 4 water cockroaches (1 per pax).

(above: 3 chewed cockroaches and 1 that my friend refused to eat and just threw away after seeing the 3 of us chew, gag, struggle and spit)


Saturday, May 2, 2009


Hi guys, i'm back (for just a bit) from my blogging hiatus. Still got a lot of backlogged photos, so be patient haha!

As you should know, i've been having exams, 2 to go as of today!

Some exciting things that happened:

(rat head sans body. not an everyday sight)

(studying turns you in to a ... ninja!)

(eeek! what's this doing here!)

(my favourite verse in the bible is where God allows us to eat pigs)

(oops - the studying follows you wherever you go)

Till the next post - brb!