Monday, March 30, 2009

Daylight Savings Attack 2 - Australian Version

Three cheers for Yang! For living through the ordeal of daylight savings, you have now learned that 1 hour is very important.

As for us in Australia, WA, we have offically ended daylight savings FOREVER! Yes folks, forever! Indeed everyone was annoyed by this thing we know as daylight savings, especially me, having to get up 1 hour earlier. However, since it was over on the weekend, today, I woke up, as you have anticipated 1 hour earlier. Pretty dumb eh?

So, Alden wakes up, looks out the window, sees its still dark-ish. He checks the clock and what does he see? OH NO! Its 6.30am! Way too early to wake up. Its cold, its dark, its everything you don't like. So he goes back to sleep. *P.S today is "talk in 3rd person view day" for me*

Anyway folks, Singapore is good stuff, you don't get this sorta crap. Yay democracy?

Alden was here.

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