Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I had dinner with mum and dad at that expensive italian restaurant (compared to our usual fare) - and they had a mahjong paper covering the tablecloth, and i couldn't resist...
I really miss when i had the time to just draw and draw - wish i took art in school! thank God that i had the chance to do it in england.. would like to pick it up again! Anyway, the dinner was the night after the jazz band performance!
It was really quite the ride - totally burned my recess week, so i only did about 30% of what i could have done... but oh well, it wasn't a total waste! it was a good experience just sitting in rehearsals, and watching the other drummers play has inspired me to practice harder.
i figured that if i can't handle this now, what makes me think i can handle things like this in the future? God has been good though, the mid-terms were spread out enough - even today, my lecturer fell sick, so i had time before the mid-term exam! (of course, it's not good that she fell sick..)
still got 2 presentations this week though, and quite a bit of catching up to do.
anyway i leave with more pics:
(rehearsals with the smoke machine - am i in heaven?)

(ready for battle)

(the weapons of war)

(the 5 warriors)

(plus a photo with the great warrior champion, whose limb independence and proficiency surpasses and astounds all)

(and yes, what is a night without a photo with a famous person?)

So am i staying in jazz band? i guess for now so. it's gonna be a challenge to balance everything out, but i'm gonna give it a go :)

and to end off, le masterpiece - and some memories :)

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