Monday, April 21, 2008


That's the number of germs living on my keyboard. Which is the rough equal of the total number of germs on 8 toilet seats, amazing isn't it?

Ok, enough about that, life here has certainly has shown its up and downs. And now its the downside. The weather is going through negative retardation, in a hilarious sort of way. Asher is well like he stated earlier, he is now blubber-buddy.(just in case u all thought that was Karrington)

But its the holidays so I'm having a jolly time watching movies with mum,dad and Asher for most of the day. And that 20-man dog paddle thing sounds fun and yet harsh, I mean, Xiong seems to have a lot of fun in NS (Ok I know, SCDF but whatever, its still 2 years of compulsory service) and to Vene who finally blogged. I don't really know if we can come during July, depends on what happens and my mum and dad. I wonder if u guys go crabbing?

Nevertheless, thank God for Asher ( YES ) cos he's an EXCELLENT source of HEAT. Oh and the heater which doesn't seem to work properly. Perhaps you might be thinking, Utterly deceptive twaddle-speak. But its real, Asher is hot, amazingly to some extent, most of the time. (HOT AS IN FEELING HOT AND SWEATY)

Well I think I have gone round and round in circles so enough jabbering and I'll let the cuttlefish do the talking.

Alden was here. - 21st April

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