Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Unlikely Miracle

I don't know how to put this, but yes seriously Thank God. We're moving house.

Finding a house and getting the lease in under like 2 weeks, a miracle if you ask me. Thanks for all the prayer, it helps so don't stop there.

Just like the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel. I believe you know the story, where God performed an absolutely jawdropping miracle. (see proverbs 12:1 for a nice, short description of what a loser King Ahab was) God told Elijah to challenge the 850 false prophets. It got comical so Elijah couldn't help but make a joke out of it. When Elijah's turn came, he raised the stakes by drenching his altar with water. And God, who might I say is real, and will prove it if you DARE to ask Him to, sent fire down from heaven and consumed the sacrifice,( for those who taught that Elijah may have become roast meat, he didn't, he was A-OKAY), to show them that God was greater than any god.

God also proved that he is greater than anything. Basically, I don't know why I am about to say this, but God is so real, that even if you deny it, you simply can't, cause he's there, patiently waiting to be let in.

And crap that I'm not in Singapore to watch Tunnel. Oh well, at least theres nice stuff to catch in the ocean. Oh, YAY MISTAKES, they let you learn!

Alden was here, and now he's square.

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