Monday, May 12, 2008

it's... over!

Haha yes boys and girls. Tunnel has ended its run!

Really thank God for seeing us through, and i hope that He was glorified! It was really quite nerve-wracking considering rehearsals the past few weeks weren't looking particularly promising... But God saw us through! For some reason, the Monday rehearsal (in my opinion) went promisingly, though there were still a lot of boo boos.

And quite a number of my friends came! Army friends, and some old buddies, plus some new guys i met trying to form a band. Hope that the seed was planted!

Hope that this frees up some time, but seeing as Cebu fundraising is only gonna be heating up...

Oh well. Glad to know that everything went well - if you can send some photos of the new house! Unfortunately this time i didn't bring my camera to the play, so i don't really have any photos to show!

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