Saturday, May 10, 2008

Dealing With The Spartan King..

So.. Spartans.. To be honest, I'm not terribly fond of slow people.. But I don't mind slow people.. What gets to me the most is if they're unwilling to learn.. Its perfectly fine if you suffer the consequences alone, but if you doom the rest of your platoon then its not as fine..

That being said, I have a lot to thank God for again. He's been blessing me with so much, in most cases just enough to get by and in some cases more and abundantly. All the trainings and everything I do in camp, I have to keep telling myself, do unto God, not unto man, to keep myself going and doing it. Daily, He provides the sustenance for me to endure my training.

A few verses have really been comfort. The verse about God always providing a way out if it gets too hard. The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo and the fire. The story about Daniel being healthier than the other guys despite eating just bread and water rather than the king's feasting food.

It makes sense if you understand what I go through. Tunnel's been going on super. First night over, plenty of my own mistakes, smoking at the wrong cues (smoke machine), being late, not knowing where the scenes are to guitar mistakes, unable to set my boost and stuff like that. Ugh. It gets me. But the play has been awesome, heard some fantastic things from people. So be sure you don't miss it! It makes more difference when you're there though, so too bad for the australian guys.

Till next time, take care!

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