Sunday, October 5, 2008

Running Vertically

Filling a black hole. What's a black hole? Its a vacuum in a vacuum (space). I see it as this hole that sucks up everything else around it. Trying to begin filling it would be a fruitless effort that had no future to begin with. Yet leaving it untouched is detrimental to all that exists around it. Everyone has black holes, spaces they try to cram with games, work, music or hobbies so as to not think about the void that exists inside.

So as I quietly sit and contemplate, there is a peace in solitude as I delve into understanding the mysteries of my own black holes. Gaps I know exist because of past experiences and walls I've put up. At the same time, the more I contemplate, the more it sinks in that no matter how familiar Singapore is, there is an element of lonesomeness in it. When will we break away from being fickle? Caring on the outside, skin-deep ministries on the inside. Passe superficialities. Where is home? How long will it take to find it? A place where warmth exists in the heart and not in a handshake. Where words have weight, and promises hold true. In a time when human relations are limited to being tangents to the curve of relationships, where will I find you home?


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