Sunday, September 7, 2008

Love Is A Movement

As Jon Foreman puts it, love is a movement. Do you dare to love? Do you dare to move?

A little bird, who shall not be named, told me that my posts are too long, so I'll keep this one to the juicy bits. This week, real fire, real water, charged hoses and real hose management. A lot of what we've been drilled about, like keeping good hose management and good bights really came to life this week when we did our first wet drill.

Fire is hot, very hot. We had 3 minutes to set up a cooling monitor, 2 more minutes to set-up snatch rescue (i.e hydrant to pump to breeching to two jets). If within 3 minutes, it isn't set up, the LPG tank explodes, that is if it wasn't a simulated fire. Hopefully I can get a picture, this is the coolest looking solution to a fire. Imagine the formation of four guys walking forward together with a shield of water. Needless to say, it was very very fun.

This week will be shooting jets at high pressure and being in a raised platform to 16 storeys. Think of it as a "Wild Wild Wet" week.

Stellar Memory's on Facebook!

till next week,

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