Sunday, September 14, 2008

An Encounter

I don't really enjoy encounters with the unknown, especially if its something I don't know. This is one example, so for the day (09/09/08) I decided for some unknown reason to take a nap. Now I bet everyone who reads this loves a nap, good or bad one whatever it is, you just like it. Yes, no? So, I laid in bed, and somehow dozed off but didn't. In under 10 seconds, SOMETHING, which isn't human, TO NO EXTENT human, grabbed my arms.

If I knew what it was then I could tell, but no idea what it was. It had no flesh, was more like bones, but like an animal, yet human bone structure, its head was like a skull, part animal, part human, in which fire brimmed from its eyes. Somehow it GREW limbs, and grabbed my neck, it all seemed so real. So I opened my eyes, and saw a floating head next to my blanket and it SMILED. I couldn't shout so I just tried to move, after awhile it left me.Apparently, it was the demon of oppression, so please pray for us as we are here in this foreign land. Because this isn't the only encounter so far.

Alden was here.

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