Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mr.K Part 2

Now we will review what Mr.K has done for the past week.

Day 1 - Sleep and strange picture of him and Asher

Day 2 - Mr.K goes to IGA, and is so happy to see the food, till he sees the price. He comes home and wrestles with Asher. This time I take a video, but have no idea how to convert the phone format into the video format.

Day 3 - Mr.K goes to scarborough beach, while its raining? He comes back and wrestles with Asher again.

Day 4 - Mr.K goes to some random location that I forgot and comes back and wrestles with Asher, yet again.

Day 5 - Heavy rain, so Mr.K follows me and my dad to get salmon sashimi, which by the way is eaten raw. However, Mr.K pan fries some of it, way to go Mr.K. He wrestles with Asher yet again. Crabbing was shifted to the day after.

Day 6 - Mr.K is stuck at home with us, until night time where we go crabbing. Someone gives us 2 sotongs, and we catch 2 crabs. He wrestles with Asher (yes again)

Day 7 - Its still not tune in for... Part 3 of Mr.K!

Alden was here.

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