Saturday, June 28, 2008

I don't usually complain but..

I seriously used to love my fridays. Fridays mean book out right? Well, not this week. One week to PoC and my OC puts me down for guard duty. On a friday, for a ridiculous reason. Its lovely, he's a nice guy but sheesh friday. So okay, I didn't exactly mind doing guard.

Until, I was told that I was playing both services on Sunday and XYQ on Saturday as well. So basically, since 6pm last night, I've had maybe about 3 and a half hours of okay rest and I have to function till 8pm tonight. Simply stellar.

Yang, your holidays have bad timings. Either that or you must coordinate in the future with my OC. For that, you owe me one guard duty in which you will have to wear my uniform, pretend you're a private and do my prowling.

Keep your line open!

Oh, P.S - IPPT Silver (:

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