Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cebu Part 7 : "If God can use a donkey..."

Day #7:

Today was the great split. Ps Daph, Aaron, Daryl, Rachel, Abel, Ryan and myself stayed behind at Daan Batayan, but unfortunately could not sleep in. See guys, it's fair! Somemore we had to teach Sunday School. It's funny cause Abel, myself and some of the others who went to the other churches were preparing the night before, on the assumption that we might be teaching Sunday School for kids (whoa. long sentence). So we thought of doing the prodigal son, and stayed up to think about it a little. Guess what? Never used it lol. Because i had to teach the youth and Abel and Ryan had to teach the young 'uns, so they used the lost sheep and coin parables.

There's a story in that - i reused my devotion material, but ended up going off a little and focusing a little on how everyone has personal responsibility to reach people, how they have their own spheres of influence. And it touched on a point in Pastor Daph's sermon later on how the Holy Spirit is for everyone, that God wants to use us to touch others. And i believe God led me to see this young man who helped set up the chairs of his own accord - when i opened for Q&A he shared about his struggles in sharing his faith. His friends would tease him for not having a god made of wood or stone, and i felt that he was rather discouraged. So i shared about my dad, and i really felt that God showed me the incident of him helping with the chairs to reassure him that God notices, he sees the heart. Something like that lah.

The other testimonies from the other teams were great as well, only poor ah Tan had a bit of an unresponsive church (i bet she was happy Kuya was with her!). Euvin had an awesome testimony about how he and Lester had the same prompting. And some teams suffered cold Sprite.

So after the service we had the kids dancing, and i had my embarassment. Apparently, lemit (delicious) can only be used to described other things if it is phrased in a certain way, and i didn't know that. So i called the kids delicious. Haha.

Pastor Vic's son (darn, can't remember his name) is an awesome drummer, for someone TOTALLY self-taught, and considering that there probably aren't any materials or whatever to learn from... wow. haha! a talent.

Quick lunch, and it was time to bid farewell. Packed all our stuff, and off we went! i got to be in the jeepny (better mr chang?) this time, and time passed quickly, cause we had some matchmaking game, which i hope no one took too seriously ;)

Night was halo-halo! i personally think NOT mixing is nicer. Aaron and Hiang tricked daryl into nearly swallowing tissue. Nasty.

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