Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cebu Part 5 : "this is ministry"

Day #5

We woke up to Walter's howling. Breakfast, then we had "orientation" - a walk around the Daan Batayan. I was with Daryl, Aaron, Rachel, Ryan and some others. We went to see the cemetery (better than in Cebu City), walked into the villages (and into some backyards - man you gotta see it, nearly every house had a chill place - think lying down on cool bamboo with the sea breeze), past the slaughterhouse (where Aaron unleashed) and then to the school area. Some of the guys went in the opposite direction, to the marketplace. We met them halfway and then walked back. Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we met pastor Vic too. It's amazing, because he spends time just walking around and chatting with the villagers almost everyday... But i guess that's another story!

Next we went back to the village area, this time armed with a giant speaker (courtesy Aaron and Hiang). Dance, basketball, dance, balloons... you can just imagine the madness. I love how kuya was just able to like butt in everything - a mahjong (with cards) game, the basketball game, into village life! What he said woke me up a little too - these encik (ok, i'm quite sure its not spelt that way - chinese) spend their money and embarass themselves. Why? Not because they are good dancers, but because they want to share God's love!

Back, bath, service. Dwayne preached, and the message was well received. Kuya said later it was a slap to him, since Dwayne mentioned that faith is not necessarily dependent on age.

Haha - i know it's not as detailed, but i'm fighting the sniffles, so i get excuse right? Haha... Just check out Aaron's blog chaps.

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