Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oooooo.... Exams and more galore.

EXAMS!!! I'm having exams but squishied in some time to blog..=) Busy, busy, busy and quite rare that I am...but I will push on and TRY not to SLACK OFF

Evidence*: My notes for my Specialist Maths Exam Tomoroz
*Told you I tried
**Yes yes yes Cor Yang...Illegible I know, at least I know I won't get the spelling wrong =D
Illegible to you as it is, it will help me Tomoroz in my Exams
Enough bout ma exams,
Now Onto: Life in Perth Currently
Well whats there to blog bout...hehehe, my room's borrowed out to my dad's fren but I shall get it back soon, picked up teh guitarz and started to learn from ma Pa-Pa***, but alas, I will return to Singapore and learn moar drummin'. Got a new wallet and i luv teh phone...and sad to say, I've watched Blackadder too much that it's gotten in ma head nao....Turnips...Oh and cor yang...is teh new guitar shiny?
***I'ma decided to practice my drumming still but not learn drums just yet, cos if I cant hold and use the drumstick properly, how to drum?
Well I'ma be off nao..Cyaz

Lil Burnt Rooster

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