Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We were at the hospital recently to visit Yu Xiang:

Ok - so that's old news - what to do when you're studying? Admittedly, not hard enough. But well, we learn. Lol. In case any of you get like all anxious from that shot, it was taken on purpose - he's a lot happier than that, and recovering well (just a little tempered from the morphine - haha!) Here's evidence:

Apparently some freak basketball incident, leaving him unconscious for quite some time. Thank God he's alright, and there doesn't seem to be any side effects. Keep him in prayer anyhow!
The 3 stooges at parkway after the visit:

On a more solemn note, pray for the christians in Orissa, India. They are undergoing some pretty intense persecution there. Actually its not new stuff, but there's some long settled tensions that won't disappear quickly. So if you can spare the time - pray.


1 comment:

lady veile said...

r u a nurse?
love your pics