Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Morning people

HELLO dear people/cousins/friends.
ok I'm not going to change this into a letter but yeah...I'm doing good. schools ok and I has many frens.good nice frens.well figured I'm coin back in Nov end/Dec Start well thats good news for me(To yang specially in the middle of this post.ME? I'M INNOCENT!*yes yang i know u love this phrase*to nik:sry lol I keep forgetting/wayyyyyyy too lazy to blog.hehe)computer games went back a few years. yes if u guess Warcraft 3 u are HALF correct.I play with my fat fren*SORRY KARRINGTON*sometime.And Restarted on 'The Sims' trying no cheats and its very tough...well happy day people.gotta finish an hour of study to play my comp(hehe)

well thats all people and remember:Don't Mess With The Zohan

Yours Falsely~
Burnt Rooster

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