Saturday, September 26, 2009

"So, it was like the end of the world/zombie apocalypse..."

Well, what would your first thoughts have been?

First thought upon waking up; "hmm... it looks something like the end of the world..."

Second thought; "fires?"

Third thought; "zombie apocalyp- wait, no don't be stupid..."

Fourth thought; "....I could play a zombie apocalypse prank on the neighbours....."

Anyway, the last thought was an entertaining one, but I decided against it. Such a prank needs some half-decent makeup and planning, and preferably more than one 'zombie' (it definitely needs a horde). Also, old neighbours are liable to die of heart attack or something. Still, I don't think I'll ever get that chance again. =(


Oh yeah; this was the result of a dust storm we had in Sydney on Wednesday morning, if you guys hadn't already heard about it (though I'm sure you probably did). Anyway, the photos I had, dint really get the colours as well as I would have liked. It was really a lot more ORANGE. Fantastic morning really. Also attached is an example zombie apocalypse picture someone took.

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