Monday, August 25, 2008


Hello ppl, wasn't gonna post till I had known my new maths teacher better.Well he's funny and stuff, but the funniest part is when he catches me slacking off[or at least he thinks i am -.-'] . The only thing he says to me is this:"Why Boy!? You're as Slack As A Yak!", which is very funny cos hes old. Oh, today, i forgot my S&E assignment[aiyoh...I'm a bad boy.Eh, who cares...not funny anyway S&E means society and enviroment for all of u buggers who don't know.]Then my teacher...who has a cool name, not spazzy cool though...her name is Ms. Kool. And she started going around the class to get the excuses of why students didn't bring their assignment.Well my classmate gave the old "oh. my dog ate my paper". When i heard that the first thing I thought:"Oh gosh.......get a new excuse..." So it came to my turn where i had to give an excuse. So I had to come up with a fanciful to make her laugh. So this is what I said:"Oh. My imaginary friend called Bob stole it from me.=)[yes. With the big, cheesy, sarcastic grin]She giggled. Not enough. So the next thing*obviously*, was the question of when she was gonna get it. So I said:"Oh. When Bob returns it." She laughed.success.=)

Well thats is all dear family and friends
Yours Falsely, (opposite of truely)
Lil Burnt Rooster

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