Monday, April 21, 2008

nag nag nag

Oh excellent to hear from you boys :)

Hope that you guys will still work hard - holidays doesn't mean you forget your work!

And the blubber doesn't have to stay there asher... Haha - is the exercising still going on?

Anyway for me - work is still going on, and seems that i'm still having things piling onto me - i think it's time i learnt how to say NO haha... In case you didn't know, i'm bunking in Joshua's room now because my parents are overseas and the maid has gone home :( But hey, loving it here - his room is neater than mine (although it consequently has less things) and his place is so close to work i get to sleep in a little more!

Just remember boys, in all you do, if you want to be any good, you have to put in the effort, and it is long-term. It took 2 years and the army discipline to get me in shape, and i have no regrets about it except that i wish i started before army! It doesn't matter if its studying or exercising or even hobbies! Doing 100 hundred push-ups in a day won't have significant effect unless you keep it going, everyday if possible. Set yourselves some goals/guidelines, like maybe this week i will jog 3 times, do push-ups 5 times, and keep to it as much as possible! Sometimes that means having to push yourself even if you're aching or tired. And make sure you do it properly! 10 good push-ups is better than 50 half-hearted and rushed ones.

Motivation gets you started, but habit keeps you going. So make sure the two of you work with each other and push each other on, because if you don't keep it going, you won't see results!

Why not the 2 of you discuss some goals and put it up here :) Then all of us can encourage you!

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