Wednesday, April 23, 2008

JK in the house.

Hey everyone.

I finally bothered to hit this blog again, so now first to Asher and Alden there, over in Perth. Some advice.

Australian school is FUN. FUN FUN FUN. You have fun all the way through. My final, most serious year of school was also the craziest, most whacked up year of all.

I'm not saying don't work, you know, but the key in an Aussie school, is to understand. Sure, ROTE learning works, but if you understand, believe me when I say it makes it easier. Work smart, and not hard, and you'll kick ass. Thats how we roll. I'm sure you do fine if you keep that in mind.

To everyone else. You guys are all asian, meaning that you guys have relatively small eyes. It also means that you have a 25% chance of possessing a wimp gene, and if have a 48% chance of being an overall pretentious knob. Furthermore, if you live in NSW, you have a 103% chance of going to UNSW at some point in your life.

Hey, Nick, I'll get back to you about that England thing yeah? Vene may want to tag. Anyway, lets go there, get rained on, and I'll tell those poms that their Union team is pathetic, and without Johnny Wilkinson, it would be a headless chook.


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